Wuthering Gintama - New RPG by Bandai Namco

Bandai Namco's latest game is based on the popular Shonen Jump anime/manga [GINTAMA].

Wuthering Gintama is a 3D RPG developed by Bandai Namco and officially licensed by ©HIDEAKI SORACHI/SHUEISHA, TV TOKYO, DENTSU, BNP, ANIPLEX.

In this game, players will purely experience the world of Gintama in full 3D Animation.
Wuthering Gintama doesn't have a specific gameplay, but simply allows players to immerse themselves in various roles and professions.
Similar to other offline games from Japan on consoles, the gameplay will focus on experiencing the main storyline.

The game is set to be released in 2024 on Android/IOS/PC/PS4 - PS5/NS.
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